SDC speed-talks guidelines

Speed-talks serve two purposes: (1).To highlight the good work you do across the cancer prevention network and help your peers connect with you based on your background and expertise; (2) To give you the opportunity to practice communicating with people from a variety of backgrounds and interests the importance of the work you do and/or the research you conduct by describing concisely why it’s important, how you do it, and who will use it.

Speed-talks will be five minutes each and will have to be pre-registered.  We ask that you include: (A) The main scientific question, novelty and impact of work (1-2 slides); (B) Main methods / experimental approaches (1-2 slide); (C) ONLY ONE specific example of results that were obtained (1 slide); (D) Main overall results / conclusions and open questions (better if shown as a dynamic graphic abstract) (1-2 slides); (E) Acknowledgements (1 slide).