
International Workshop in Sexual Dimorphism in Cancer’s Program

16.00-19.30 Swiss Time (11 am -2 pm East Coast US; 8-11 am West Coast US) 

16:00-16:10               Introductory remarks and overview

Gian Paolo Dotto 

SESSION 1 – Gender medicine, sex determination and cancer susceptibility

16:10-16:35.          Ongoing efforts in gender medicine

Sabine Oertelt-Prigione

Professor of Gender in Primary and Transmural Care, Radboud University , Nijmegen, The Netherlands

16:35-17:00            Sex differences in epidemiology of non-sex related cancers

Melinda Schuurman

Netherlands Cancer Registry, M.Schuurman@iknl.nland j.praagman@IKNL.NL

17:00-17:25             Sex differences in response to anticancer drugs and immune therapy 

Anna Dorothea Wagner and Berna Özdemir

Consultant Department of Oncology Lausanne University Hospital CHUV/ Bern University Hospital (Inselspital)

17:25-17:40             Break

17:40-18:00             Beyond dimorphism – Disentangling the science in cancer care for transgender and non-binary people

Dr Alison May Berner

Speciality Trainee and Clinical Research Fellow in Medical Oncology

Barts Cancer Institute&Specialist Registrar in Gender Identity
Gender Identity Clinic, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust

18:00-18:25            Genetic basis of sex determination


Head of the Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology and Developmental Genetics at the Francis Crick Institute

18.25 -18:50             The sex of the intestine and why it matters

Irene Miguel-Aliaga

Genes and Metabolism Section Chair, MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, and Professor of Genetics and Physiology, Imperial College

19:00-20:00            Meet the speakers roundtable.

6:00-19:00 pm Swiss Time (11 am -1:30 pm East Coast US; 8-10:30 am West Coast US)

SESSION 2 – Genetic predisposition and cancer cells genetics

16:00-16:25            Twins, hormones and cancer risk factors

Jaakko Kaprio

Professor of Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine & Institute for Molecular Medicine FIMM, HiLIFE University of Helsinki

16:25-16:50            Genetic determinants of cancer susceptibility : a look to the future

Allan Balmain

Professor of Cancer Genetics, UCSF

16:50-17:15            X chromosome silencing and biological impact

Jeannie Lee

Professor of Genetics (Pathology), Harvard Medical School, Molecular Biologist, Massachusetts General Hospital

17:15-17:30            Break

17:30-17:55            “Gender specificity in DNA damage response pathways”

Laura Zannini

Group leader, Institute of Molecular Genetics, National Research Council (IGM-CNR), Pavia, IT

17:55–18:20            “The molecular epidemiology of somatic mutations: how does patient sex influence cancer evolution?”

 Paul C. Boutros

Group leader, UCLA

19:00-20:00               Meet the speakers roundtable

16:00-19:00 pm Swiss Time (11 am -2 pm East Coast US; 8-11 am West Coast US )

SESSION 3 – gene mutations and cancer

16:00-16:25            Tumor-suppressor genes that escape from X-inactivation

Andrew Lane 

Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, and Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 

16:25-16:50            Sex disparity and the p53 signaling network

Sue Haupt and Yigal Haupt

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, 305 Grattan St, Melbourne, Victoria 3000,

16:50-17:15              Sex differences in glioblastoma

Joshua B. Rubin

Professor of Pediatrics, Hematology and Oncology, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis,

17:15-17:30             Break

17:30-17:55            Pancreatic Cancer

Alexandros Tzatsos

Group leader, School of Medicine and Health Science, George Washington University,

17:55-18:20            Novel Mechanisms of Cancer Emerge When Accounting

                                   for Sex as a Biological Variable

                                   Kenneth Buetow

                                   Professor and CEM Center Director, Arizona State University


18:30-19:30            Meet the speakers roundtable

16:00-19:00 pm Swiss Time (11 am -2 pm East Coast US; 8-11 am West Coast US)

SESSION 4 – Hormones and cancer

16:00- 16:25             Structure/function

Eva Estébanez-Perpina

AR Group leader Institute of Biomedicine of the University of Barcelona (IBUB),

16:25-16:50             Role of local sex steroid synthesis and metabolism in hormonal carcinogenesis

Matti Poutanen

Professor of Physiology, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, Finland

16:50-17:15             Finding Dory: hormone exposure, mutational signatures and estrogen receptor defines the early oncogenesis processes at play in the cell of origin of breast cancer

Luca Magnani

Group leader, Imperial College London,.

17:15-17:30             Break

17:30-17:55            Sex hormones signaling in male breast cancer

Wilbert Zwart

Group leader, Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI),

17:55-18:20            ER signaling and Melanoma

Todd Ridky

Group leader Department of Dermatology, U. Penn,

18:20-18:45            AR signaling in skin cancer

 Soumitra Ghosh / Min Ma

UNIL, Department of Biochemistry,

18:45-19:00            Break

19:00-20:00            Meet the speakers roundtable

16:00-17:00 pm Swiss Time (11 am -12 pm East Coast US; 8-9 am West Coast US)


16:00-16:25            Gender differences in metabolism

Adriana Maggi

Professor of Pharmacological Biotechnologies, University of Milan,

16:25-16:50             “Gene-by-sex interactions regulating mitochondrial functions and cardio-metabolic traits”

Aldons Jake Lusis

16:50-17:15             “Sex differences in brain development and function: Implications for comorbidity of psychiatric and cardiovascular outcomes”

 Jill Goldstein

Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Executive Director, Innovation Center on Sex Differences in Medicine, Massachusetts General

17:15-17:30            Break

17:30-18:00            ICPI life time achievement cancer prevention award

Tony Howell

18:00-18:50            Poster awards (with awardees’ speed talks) 

18:50-19:15            Sexual dimorphism in cancer : meeting overview

Sarah Seton.Rogers

Chief Editor, Nature Reviews Cancer

19:15 – 19:30          Concluding remarks                                 

  G. Paolo Dotto