
Why become an iCPI member?

grayscale photo of man and woman holding their hands

Be part of a local network of like-minded people and connect to a broad community with the same goals.

Get access to education and training, for both experts and students.

Amplify your voice locally to increase awareness on cancer prevention worldwide

How to become a member?

Drop us a line to get in touch!

Patrons: Financial support

Active members: meaningful engagement in CancerPrev Institute activities (see below)

Junior members: Possibility to undertake endeavors with support of the CancerPrev Institute

pile of stones on shore

What can you do?

  • Participate within the context of the organization of summer schools
  • CancerPrev Articles: Get involved to inform others on cancer prevention.
  • Others: If you have any other activities/contributions/ideas in mind, don’t hesitate to get back to us. We gladly welcome new ideas!