World Cancer Day 2023
The International Cancer Prevention Institute celebrated World Cancer Day on February 4th 2023 with a successful public event held at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland. This event was made possible thanks to the support of Debiopharm and DiasporaTV.
Cancer survivors, patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, researchers and advocates came together to raise awareness about cancer and the importance of early detection and prevention. The event featured a range of activities, including informative sessions by clinicians, policy makers and researchers. At the end, a lively panel discussion took place with healthcare professionals, thanks to the interaction with the audience. Attendees also had the opportunity to connect with local cancer support groups, researchers and clinicians during the coffee break.
“We are thrilled to have hosted such a successful event for World Cancer Day,” said the founders of the International Cancer Prevention Institute, Prof. Dr. Gian-Paolo Dotto and Prof. Dr. Cathrin Brisken. “It was inspiring to see so many people come together to raise awareness about cancer prevention and to share their experiences and knowledge. We hope that this event will encourage more people to take action and we are looking forward to holding this event on a yearly basis.”
World Cancer Day is an international event held annually on February 4th to raise awareness about cancer and to encourage individuals, organizations, and governments to take action in the fight against cancer. For more information about our work in cancer research, education and advocacy, please reach out to us.
Photo Report


Prof. Dr. Cathrin Brisken
Co-fondatrice iCPI, Professeure EPFL, ICR
“International CancerPrev Institute”

Chantal Diserens
Directrice Ligue vaudoise contre le cancer
“Parler du cancer, simplement”

Luciano Ruggia
Directeur, Association Suisse pour la Prévention du Tabagisme
“Tabac et cancer en Suisse: un état des connaissance et des lacunes des politiques de santé publique”

Prof. Dr. Daniel Hohl
Président Société suisse de dermatologie et vénéréologie
“Prévention du cancer cutané, une perspective historique”

Dr. méd. Anja Zyska Cherix
Médecin-cheffe, division médecine du travail SUVA
“Le cancer de la peau en tant que maladie professionnelle : contexte et nouveau programme de prévention en Suisse”

David Rodriguez
Chargé de project Ligue vaudoise contre le cancer
“Projet Dansons la vie! : La danse comme soin de support et outil d’intégration pour les personnes affectées par le cancer”

Dr. med. et phil. Berna Özdemir
Cheffe de clinique, Inselspital, Bern
“Dépistage de cancer: Quoi, qui, quand?”

Prof. Dr. Olivier Gaide
Médecin chef, Dermatology and Venereology, CHUV
“Prévention de la carcinogenèse de champ, source de nombreux malheurs”

Dr. Paris Jafari
Chercheuse Unil, Lausanne
“Quand le soleil n’est plus un ami!”

Eirini Chrysanthou
Chercheuse Fondazione Edo ed Elvo Tempia, l’Italie
“Sex-specific Survival differences in melanoma”

Dr. George Sflomos
Chercheur ISREC, School of Life Sciences, EPFL, Lausanne
“Preventing Hormone-Dependent Breast Cancer”

Carlos Ronchi
Chercheur EPFL, Lausanne
“Computational biology in cancer prevention”